
A HealthSense Guide to a Guilt-Free Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is a time for family, gratitude, and feasting. At HealthSense, we are passionate about aging well, and as nurse care managers, we are always looking for ways to guide our clients toward healthier choices. With the holiday season around the corner, here are some tips on how to enjoy a healthy Thanksgiving meal without feeling deprived. 

1. Plan Ahead on Healthy Menu Choices

Instead of the usual heavy, calorie-laden dishes, incorporate some nutritious options. Choose lean proteins like turkey breast white meat and try quinoa instead of white bread for stuffing. Load up on seasonal vegetables like Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, and green beans. To enhance your meal, add a vibrant salad. Use healthy fats like olive oil, avocados, and nuts for flavor instead of butter and lard. Make homemade cranberry sauce using fresh cranberries, freshly squeezed orange juice, and less sugar.

2. Be Mindful About Eating 

Practice mindful eating to enjoy your meal without overindulging. Slow your eating pace, savor each bite, and engage in conversation. Practice portion control by filling small plates with vegetables and lean proteins while allowing a smaller serving of more indulgent dishes.

3. Water is Your Friend

Hydrate with water throughout the day and at meals to help limit alcohol intake and control hunger. If you drink alcohol, set a quantity limit ahead of time and let your host know so they can help you succeed. 

4. Be Creative with Healthy Dessert Alternatives

Desserts can be heavy, but healthier options exist. Consider pumpkin mousse with Greek yogurt or a fresh fruit salad. Recipes for baked goods can be modified using whole-grain flour and reducing sugar. For a sweet treat, you can also opt for a small piece of dark chocolate.

5. Stay Active and Engage in Family Activities

Incorporate physical activity into your Thanksgiving by taking a family walk after the meal to bond and aid digestion. If outdoor space and mobility allow, organize a touch football , group dog walks or frisbee game for fun and exercise. Keep up the activity and plan a family walk or hike for the next day.

Thanksgiving is about gratitude and connection, so savor the time together while enjoying a happy and healthy celebration. For more information on our healthy aging and care management at HealthSense, CONTACT US.

Happy Thanksgiving!