
Pinch Hitting for Families when Times get Tough – The Value of an Aging Life Care Manager

elderly man with glasses. smiling with thumbs up

David, a 76 year old New York based tax attorney was in good health until one day in late April. His legs suddenly gave way and he found himself on the floor, unable to get up. Luckily, he had his cell phone in his pocket and was able to call 911. As a divorcee, with only one grown child – his circle of emergency contacts was limited. Grounded by the COVID-19 pandemic which was raging in New York at the time, his daughter who lived on the west coast was unable to visit her father in person. She attempted to try and stay on top of fast moving medical events by phone but found the process exhausting and terrifying. Then, she did her research on the Aging Life Care Association website and found HealthSense — her “boots on the ground” resource. 

Debra Shore RN, BSN, MPH, CMC one of our highly experienced care managers was able to jump right in and act as liaison between David’s daughter and the medical professionals involved in his case. David, who underwent emergency brain surgery required complex care on discharge that included home Intravenous antibiotic infusions. Debra communicated with the discharge planners at the hospital ensuring that David had all the equipment and supplies he needed to ensure a smooth and safe discharge. She scheduled various medical specialist follow up appointments. She did a medication reconciliation ensuring that all of his intravenous and oral medications were fully supplied in the home and pre-poured for the first two weeks. Debra also evaluated home safety and ensured that a night time monitoring system was installed so that his live-in caregiver could provide safe night time oversight. As a seasoned registered nurse Debra’s knowledge of medical diagnoses and medications combined with physical and cognitive assessment skills ensured that David’s recovery was expertly monitored and tracked for success. David made an excellent recovery and is now fully independent and back at work. His daughter who was equal parts relieved and grateful for the support and peace of mind finally got to visit him a few months later. 

Care management isn’t always a long term commitment. Sometimes you need the focused expertise of a care manager as your pinch hitter during a tough time. Our team at HealthSense are here to help you navigate through the complexities of the medical system and right you back on the course of health and wellness. For more information on our care managers visit our website: click here.

Written by Anne Sansevero

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