Spring Allergies? 7 Tips to Nip them in the Bud!
April 19, 2023
Allergy season can be a challenging time for everyone, but it can be particularly difficult for older adults. As people age, their immune systems may weaken, making them more susceptible to allergies and related health complications. However, with the right preparation and care, seniors can manage their allergy symptoms and stay healthy during the spring and summer months. Here are some tips to prepare for allergy season:
- Consult with a healthcare provider: Before allergy season begins, older adults should consult with their healthcare provider about their allergy symptoms and potential treatments. A healthcare provider can recommend the best course of action based on the individual’s health history, allergies, and current medication regimen. They can also advise seniors on when to start allergy medications to ensure they are effective during peak allergy season.
- Identify triggers: Knowing what triggers allergies can help older adults take steps to minimize exposure. Common allergy triggers include pollen, mold, dust mites, and pet dander. Exposure to these triggers can be reduced by using air filters in the home, washing bedding frequently, and avoiding outdoor activities during high pollen count days.
- Check weather forecasts: Monitoring weather forecasts can help older adults prepare for high pollen count days. When pollen counts are high, seniors may want to limit their time with outdoor activities. They can also check the air quality index (AQI) for their area to see if there are any alerts or advisories related to allergy triggers.
- Stock up on medications: Ensure that there is an adequate supply of allergy medications before allergy season begins. This can include over-the-counter antihistamines, decongestants, and nasal sprays.
- Practice good hygiene: Maintaining good hygiene can help minimize exposure to allergens. Seniors should wash their hands frequently, especially after spending time outdoors, and avoid touching their face or eyes.
- Consider allergy shots: For older adults with severe allergy symptoms, allergy shots may be a good option. Also known as allergen immunotherapy, allergy shots can help reduce the body’s sensitivity to allergens over time. This can provide long-term relief from allergy symptoms and reduce the need for medication.
With the right precautions and treatment, seniors can nip allergies in the bud and enjoy a happy and healthy spring and summer season!